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Looking for something new to listen to?
Check out this recent Joseph Smith Papers Podcast on Kirtland

This is a documentary-style podcast about the way men and women flocked to Kirtland in the 1830s to hear the voice of God through the prophet Joseph Smith. 

Click the link below to listen! Episodes three and five discuss the Saints' establishment in Missouri during this Kirtland Era.



If you're looking for something new to read, check out this book, Restorations.
It documents the dialogue between scholars of Community of Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is full of honest, frank conversations interwoven with collegiality and friendship between members of the two faiths. Read to discover the twelve themes these scholars discussed to bring about mutual understanding between faiths. 

You can purchase the book on Amazon by clicking here




Elder David A. Bednar recently dedicated Joseph and Emma Smith's restored home in Kirtland, Ohio.
You can read and watch more by CLICKING HERE


Click on the pictures (tiny boxes) below to see each picture zoomed in.

Pictures courtesy of Kimberly Jo Smith.


Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation

PO BOX 118  |  Liberty, Mo. 64069  |