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The Will of Missouri:
The Life, Times and Influence of Alexander William Doniphan 

by Alexander Doniphan Committee
Anthology editors:
Steve Potter and Jeremiah Morgan
Publisher: Woodneath Press (1 Jan 2021)

Alexander Doniphan - true friend and defender of the early Saints in Missouri





2021 Virtual Book Launch on ALEXANDER DONIPHAN

I am excited to announce a virtual book launch for "The Will of Missouri: The Life, Times, and Influence of Alexander William Doniphan" on January 26 at 6:30. I hope you will join us for the event, which will play over Facebook Live
This book is a community-sourced, non-profit anthology about Doniphan, and is an official project of the Missouri Bicentennial. It was created as a cooperative effort between the Alexander Doniphan Committee and Mid-Continent Public Library (MCPL). It is printed on MCPL’s Woodneath Press.
In the launch, you will hear from anthology editors Steve Potter, CEO of MCPL, and Jeremiah Morgan. This is a direct link to the virtual launch.
After the launch, the book will be available for purchase on Amazon by searching for “The Will of Missouri”.
Why would you want to attend and purchase this book?
Some suggest that Alexander Doniphan was one of the most influential people in Missouri history, yet he is little known. As an attorney he defended a religious minority when the state expelled and authorized their extermination. Doniphan developed the Kearney Code that established the rule of law in what would become New Mexico. He was an accomplished military leader and is recognized in Fort Leavenworth’s Hall of Fame. Doniphan was chiefly responsible for the founding of William Jewell College in Liberty, and for establishing public schools in Clay County. Members of the Alexander Doniphan Committee decided to sponsor a community writing project to help tell Doniphan’s story. Such a project would also be a great way for more people to learn about Doniphan and would be a meaningful way to celebrate the Missouri Bicentennial. Anthology editors Steve Potter and Jeremiah Morgan will be online to discuss the historical significance of Doniphan and the importance of community writing projects like this anthology. This State of Stories program was produced in partnership with The University of Missouri Extension Community Arts Program to commemorate and celebrate the Missouri Bicentennial.
I hope you can make it to the launch, and even more, I hope you enjoy the book!

Cindy McDavitt
Communication Director, Kansas City Area
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation

PO BOX 118  |  Liberty, Mo. 64069  |